DIY iced coffee

These sunny days call for an ice cold and delicious refreshment! So next time you made too much coffee in the morning don’t poor it out – but treat yourself with a quick and easy ice-coffee to go!


Poor the leftover coffee into a jar, add whatever goes usually with your coffee (for sweetness its better to use a sirup or coffee sweetener since sugar doesn’t dissolve as good in cold coffee), and touch it off with some ice cubes. Then shake the closed jar for a bit to mix everything together and to chill the drink.

You can go ahead and enjoy it right away or take your ice coffee with you!

Sourdough bread with goat cheese and asparagus

Today’s yummy treat is so easy to do and you can basically do it out of anything. We had som eleftover cheese, all these jars of homemade marmelade and some veggies of different sorts. So, I made myself a supernice gratinated sandwich!

goat cheese bread

How delish isn’t this?! 

I had two slices of bread (a bit dry, but that doesn’t matter when it is going in the oven). I put some nice figue marmelade, some shopped mushrooms and then the goat cheese on top. I let it stay in the oven together with the asparagus for about 13 minutes at 200C. Then just add your favorite sides (arugula and sunflower seeds for me). 




Cabbage wrap

Delicious cabbage wrap filled with carrots, zucchini, mushrooms and lentils.


And it was super easy to make as well! Just stir fry the vegetables, with the lentils and some soy sauce. Steam the cabbage leaves and then just add the filling! If you have tahini at home, it goes really well with the rest!  Omnom.

Lentils soup



• ¼ cup olive oil
• 2 onions, chopped
• 4 diced tomatoes
• 1 garlic cloves, pressed
• 2 teaspoons bell pepper
• ½ teaspoon dried parsley or fresh parsley
• 1 2 cup brown or green lentils, picked over and rinsed
• 4 cups vegetable broth
• 1 litre water
• 1 teaspoon salt,
• black pepper
• 1 teaspoon wine vinegar
• Suger


1. Warm the olive oil in a large pot over medium heat and add the chopped onions.

2. Pour in the lentils, diced tomatoes, broth and water. Add garlic, bell peppar, salt and black peppar. Cook for 20 minutes.

3. Remove the pot from the heat and stir in the wine vinegar and add one teaspoon of suger. Add some dried parsley or fresh parsley.

Quick and easy eggplant lunch

Quick and easy eggplant slices are roasted in the oven with olive oil



1 large eggplant
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper
Lemon juice

1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C.

2. Slice the eggplant lengthwise. Place the eggplant onto a baking sheet on a plåt. Brush each piece with olive oil and season with salt and pepper.

3. Roast in the preheated oven until softened and golden brown, about 20 to 25 minutes. Remove from the oven and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Serve with the side of your choice, I choose avocado and some tomatoes. Yum yum!

Vegan Peanut Butter Fudge

So, It’s easy to have the munchies and what is better than to do your own home made vegan fudge to treat yourself with?

Peanut butter fudge

Photo by Caitlin Shoemaker/SpoonUniversity


1/2 cup peanut butter (or any other nut for that sake)
2 tablespoons coconut oil, softened or melted
2 tablespoons maple syrup or honey
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon salt

1. Combine all of your ingredients into a bowl, and stir until well-combined. If you find your fudge is hard to mix, try microwaving the bowl for about 15 seconds – this will make everything smoother

2. Pour the fudge into a container lined with plastic wrap or parchment paper. We used a standard bread loaf pan, but even plastic tupperware will work.

3. Place the container into the freezer and allow 30-40 minutes for the fudge to set.

4. After the fudge has completely hardened, remove from the freezer and let sit for 5 minutes. Using a sharp knife, carefully cut the fudge into squares (we made 8). Place the fudge into a baggie or tupperware, and store in the freezer until ready to eat.

[Recipe from SpoonUniversity. ]

Lentil Fritters

Fritters made of lentils, carrots and herbs 



  • 400 g boiled lentils (red)
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 piece of garlic
  • Rapseed oil
  • Herbs of your choice
  • 1 dl corn
  • 3 tablespoons cold-pressed rapseed oil for frying

This is how you make it: 

  1. Grate the carrots into fine bits
  2. Cut the garlic in small pieces
  3. Mix everything together in a nice mince.
  4. Fry the fritters for a couple of minutes, until they have a nice color. Serve with your favorite toppings and side dish. I choose pasta in all simplicity.



My favourite solution to prevent vegetables/greens from ending up in the trash is to through it all in to the juice extractor and have a nice vitamin boost, whenever you want it! I usually drink it all at once or the morning after, but if you make too much – just put it in the fridge in bits of ice cubes for using when cooking food or to put in your juice/drink for making it more fun! It’s always nice to have.

Yesterday we made a mix of carrots, parsnip and ginger. Really good for the throat as well as it tastes good 😉


Juice made of carrots, parsnips and ginger. 

Unfortunatly it’s all gone now, but I am probably going to make more tonight of some greens we have in the fridge!

DIY Coffee Scrub

I really love coffee. As a swede, I drink it every morning and of course that generates a lot of coffee-grounds aka. food waste. But then I came across this nice solution! DIY Coffee Scrub! How convenient isn’t that? A majority of the existing body scrubs at the market contains plastic so I do not really want to put that on my body nor let out go out the drain.

So I give you Coffee Scrub! 

Coffee Scrub.jpg



  • 4 parts coffee grounds (used coffee powder) 
  • 1 part oil (I used cold-pressed rapeseed oil)

The only thing you need to do is to mix the oil and coffee together and then you have your own super easy, mega awesome (and kind of for free) scrub! The coffee scrubs the skin gently and the oil helps your skin stay moisturized.


Nice veggie burgers

In Sweden we have this really nice TV show with all Veggie food called Vegorätt. I really fell in love with this recipe of burgers with mushrooms and beans. We often have mushrooms of some kind at home, so this is a nice way to make it in to something fun!


My burger made with sourdough bread, mozzarella, avocado, raw ketchup, red onion, arugula. I served it with home made potato chips and olives.


  • 250 g forest mushrooms
  • 1 1/4 dl black lentisl
  • 1 1/4 dl millet
  • 5 dl water
  • 5 yellow onions 
  • pieces of garlic
  • 3/4 dl sunflower seeds
  • 3 tablespoons of tamari
  • 2 milliliter black pepper
  • 3 tablespoons cold-pressed rapseed oil for frying


This is how you make it: 

  1. Boil the water and add the lentils and the millet according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Cut the yellow onions and fry in the rapseed oil until the onion is caramelized.
  3. Cut the mushrooms and fry until the water is reduced and the shrooms has a nice color.
  4. Put the sunflower seeds in a food blender and make it in to a nice powder. Add the onions, mushrooms, millet and lentils together with tamari, black pepper, garlic and salt. Mix until it is a nice mince.
  5. Make the burgers and let them rest for a while.
  6. Fry or grill the burgers for a couple of minutes, until they have a nice color. Serve with your favorite toppings and side dish.